Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mobility and General Behaviour Workplace Bullyting

Question: Describe about the Mobility and General Behaviour for Workplace Bullyting. Answer: Introduction: Bullying in the workplace is any one particular incident that affects the mind and health of the victim. The act of abusing an employee by the employer or the seniors or by other members in the workplace verbally or physically and repeatedly affecting the physical health and mental conditions of the victims is the bullying at workplace (Oxford Brookes University, 2016). The bullying could be verbally done repeatedly on a single employee. The bullying can be very dangerous if continued for a longer period of time. The workplace bullying can also take place for a student or intern who might not be permanently employed in the organizations where he/she is practicing her course. The case study is about a nurse who is a third year undergraduate nurse on clinical placement at American University Hospital Emergency Department (ED) feels that she has been bullied by her preceptor or the instructor (Psha, 2010). Three of the incidents have been described in the case study where it becomes clear that she has been bullied but in her case the bullying did nit continue for more than three days as she has taken the issue to the Nursing Unit Manager who has asked her to complete an incident report. Different aspects of bullying have been discussed in this essay along with the rights and responsibilities of both the employer and employees in the workplace and the behaviour of the members of the organization. The discussion ends with conclusion and recommendations for future practices (humanrights, 2011). Discussion: Bullying in the workplace: The verbal and non-verbal abuse of the employees including physical and psychological abuses that could have severe consequences on the physical health of the victim who has been bullied is the action of bullying. If that abuse takes place in the workplace then it is considered to be bullying at workplace (Deakin, 2016). Any one particular incident could not be considered to be bullying but if that gets continued and the victim gets adversely affected by such actions then it is to be considered as bullying. The employer, seniors and even the co-workers could bully a single employee or more. The workplace bullying can take place any time with anyone and this could affect not only the employees but also the apprentices or the volunteers (Namie, Christensen, Phillips, 2014). The bullying could be done through verbal remarks addressing the victim or through physical assaults. The bullying in the case study has been done verbally by the instructor who has been observed to have made fun of the intern nurse when she has been asked the procedures of checking the areas of bleeding in case of a patient suffering from leukaemia. Again it is seen from the case study that the instructor making fun of her in front of the team leader. The intern nurse was not invited to the clinical debrief at which she felt to be ignored. Another incident when she was just treated as she knew nothing how to treat the emergency patient and she was asked to step back. That point of time also she felt as if she was not a part of the team handling the patient. All these made her feel to be bullied. According to the human rights legislations the repeated actions of bullying someone in the workplace could be harmful for the mental condition of the victim. Continuous harassments and making fun of the victim could make her/him feel mentally down and could make the victim to avoid the workplace as it is seen in the case day when the nurse on the fourth day told the unit manager that she would be coming as she felt she was being bullied (Regional Skill Training, 2016). The workplace bullying could be even more dangerous where the victims could even be threatened with harmful objects. The humiliation that the victims feel might affect the psychological balance. The victims at the workplace deserve to be respected. Bullying in the workplace could be repeated and irrational behaviours of the employers or the other members at the place of work (Plonien, 2016). Rights and responsibilities of the employer and employees: There are certain rights and responsibilities on the part of both the employers and employees in the workplace. It is the duty of the employer not to indulge any of such incidents in the workplace by maintaining a healthy working environment. The employer has to understand the risks that are associated with such bullying and the risk on the health of the victims have to be accounted for. The system of work has to be safe. The employer should arrange for proper training for the managers and the personnel in the senior positions regarding the retention of safe and healthy working environment at the workplace (Branch, Ramsay, Barker, 2013). There are certain legislations that should be followed by the entire organization and it has to be duly monitored by the employers and the managers. The employers must invigilate the working conditions so that no employee gets physically sick or mentally down because of such abusive conducts. The employer should implement proper and effective measur e to control such situations and strict disciplines must also be there to enhance the values of the workplace (safeworkaustralia, 2016). The employees also have to be sensible and should not bully any co-worker. If any worker feels that he or she has been bullied must approach the senior authority with the issue. The employees must be sensible to their own health conditions and on that of the other members. The instructions given by the law and the employers must be strictly followed at the workplace (Rocker, 2012). The rational conducts of the employees are highly expected. It is the joint effort of the employers and employees to maintain healthy and safe working environment at the workplace. The training of the employees must be taken seriously. The employees must cooperate with others and should try to help the ones who have been bullied. The issues are needed to be highlighted as silence and reluctance could result into serious irreparable issues (Okechukwu, Souza, Davis, Castro, 2013). Identification of the process a staff member or student should follow when the behavior of a colleague is affecting their work. The workplace bullying is a very common incident in the modern world be it in any sector. This also happens in the healthcare sector also where every now and then an employee is bullied by his or her manager or supervisor. When this behavior comes from a colleague who is at the same level of functioning, then the insult is much more to the employee who is being bullied(NSW Governmnet, 2016). In this regard it can be said that workplace misconduct with colleagues is an offence but many of the employees resort to it owing to strict rules and regulations in some organizations that restrict the nurturing of such behavior. The organization needs to have stringent rules and regulation policies to control workplace bullying and the HR needs to assume a key role in order to ensure that these incidents do not happen at workplace (Victoria State Government , 2016). If such incidents occur at the workplace then, the HR should ensure that the employees those are the victims of such workplace bul lying are dealt with empathy and then they are provided adequate opportunity to make their concerns known to the management through the HR. The HR should form a committee in order to start enquiry against such complaints those were registered by the victimized employees. The other options those are generally available to the bullied or harassed employees are that the employees those are the victims of harassment, discrimination and bullying might seek the assistance of the Workplace Contact Officers at the regional and head office levels(GOV.UK, 2016). The Workplace Contact Officers are entrusted with the duty of drawing on the existing policies and norms for the purpose of providing confidential and impartial discussion with the affected employees and guide them on the possible formal and informal options that the employees might choose to arrive at a resolution (University of York, 2016). The Employee Assistance Program or EAP is a function that is designed by the management in or der to provide resolutions to the employees those are victims of workplace misconduct. The program provides confidential counseling to the affected employees and suggests them ways of resolution. Analysis and justification of what has occurred in the scenario provided. In the given scenario a third year undergraduate nurse placed at the American University Hospital Emergency Department on a clinical placement has been the unfortunate victim of workplace bullying by her preceptor Morgan Lane. On the day when the nursing student had to accompany the proceedings in the ED owing to shortage of staffs, she was being mistreated and humiliated at the workplace by her instructor Morgan. She was made to go through all the details of the various processes like infection control, WHS, mandatory reporting and the modules on aggression management from the workplace computer. This was her work for the first shift and the preceptor was supposed to approach her for the second shift but she did not. At the time of the handover in the next morning when the team leader asked that who was working with the student for the day, then Morgan humiliatingly replied to the team leader that she was stuck with the student and laughed at her. This was an embarrassment for the s tudent who was still in the learning phase and took this very offensively. On the second day the student had to look after two patients, one was having a 11 year old girl with Leukemia and the second bed she had to attend to was occupied by a two year old boy who had croup. While attending to both of them the student was bullied and humiliated by Morgan who called her a walking textbook sarcastically when she shared her knowledge on release of thromboplastin from platelets when she was asked about where to look for the bleeding in the girl. Regarding the boy who had croup, Morgan asked her what she knew about croup but when she was about to reply Morgan stopped her and instructed her to ensure that the parents of the boy had some breakfast. This was an insulting way of behavior. On the third day while she was tending to a male pneumonia patient, then Morgan came and abused her by saying that she did a reckless job in the CPR method and said her to step aside and that Morgan and Dr. Trent Michael would do the process. She was made to stand and observe the re suscitation. This left her feeling humiliated and ignored. On the fourth day, the student refused to come to the centre and informed that to the Nursing Unit Manager that she was being bullied. The NUM instructed her to file an incident report such that they could provide resolutions through enquiry. The analysis shows bullying at workplace and the student had to file the incident report detailing all the issues clearly. This would ensure that the management takes proper steps against Morgan is there is sufficient evidence and reason found by the committee on the issue. The committee will then take action against Morgan for behaving in an unapproved manner with the third year student. The committee might take action against Morgan as this was a clear case of workplace bullying but there need to be substantial evidence for that. If the evidences are not enough to take punitive actions, then the committee might just warn Morgan and let her know that if future complaints arrive then the committee will take exemplary action against her. Conclusions and recommendations for future practice. The conclusion shows that Morgan, the preceptor was behaving in the most unethical manner with the nursing student and it was a case of workplace bullying. The recommendations can be made looking at the details of the case. It can be said that to minimize these kinds of cases, the hospitals need to have EAP as discussed where the employees as well as the intern students can raise their concerns. The Workplace Contact Officers also need to assume greater responsibilities to resolve these issues. The employees or interns those are bullied need to report the case without any fear and should clearly write up an incident report detailing every details of the behaviour of the manager or supervisor. Most of the times the resolutions are provided and justice is meted out to the victim of workplace bullying. References: Branch, S., Ramsay, S., Barker, M. (2013). Workplace Bullying, Mobbing and General Harassment: A Review. International Journal of Management Reviews Volume 15, Issue 3; , 280-299. Deakin. (2016). Managers role in the risk management of workplace stress. Retrieved from GOV.UK. (2016). Taking disciplinary action against an employee. Dismissing staff and redundancies ; , 1-23. humanrights. (2011). Workplace bullying: Violence, Harassment and Bullying Fact sheet. Retrieved from humanrights: Namie, G., Christensen, D., Phillips, D. (2014). WORKPLACE BULLYING. 2014 WBI U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey ; , 1-19. NSW Governmnet. (2016). Code of Conduct. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES; , 1-38. Okechukwu, C. A., Souza, K., Davis, K. D., Castro, A. B. (2013). Discrimination, Harassment, Abuse and Bullying in the Workplace: Contribution of Workplace Injustice to Occupational Health Disparitiese. Discrimination, Harassment, Abuse and Bullying in the Workplace: Contribution of Workplace Injustice to Occupational Health Disparities Am J Ind Med. 2014 May; 57(5); , 573-586. Oxford Brookes University. (2016). Code of conduct for staff. Oxford Brookes University, Wheatley Campus, Wheatley,; , 1-32. Plonien, C. (2016). Bullying in the Workplace: A Leadership Perspective. Bullying in the Workplace: A Leadership Perspective Volume 103, Issue 1; , 107-110. PSHSA. (2010). Bullying in the Workplace: A Handbook for the Workplace. Pubilc Services Health Safety Association (PSHSA); , 1-44. Regional Skill Training. (2016). Working effectively within the workplace and with others. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations; , 1-25. Rocker, C. F. (2012). Responsibility of a Frontline Manager Regarding Staff Bullying. Online Hiournal of Issues in Nursing, vol 17; , 1-2. Safeworkaustralia. (2016, may). Guide for preventing and responding to workplace bullying. Retrieved from safeworkaustralia: University of York. (2016). Disciplinary procedure and guidelines. Retrieved from Victoria State Government . (2016). Guidelines for Managing Complaints, Misconduct and Unsatisfactory Performance in the VPS. Guidelines for Managing Complaints, Misconduct and Unsatisfactory Performance in the VPS; , 1-52.

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